Winter Bouquet


Faux Floral Winter Bouquet 

This gorgeous winter bouquet consists of 8 realistic stems. When the spring arrives simply remove the winter stems and use the Eucalyptus stems as a base to add new seasonal flowers to your arrangement.
No need to replace, these forever flowers will last from week to week, year after year and can be mixed with fresh flowers to create your own unique display. 

Each hand-tied bouquet consists of :

3 Real touch Spiral Eucalyptus stems 

1 Populus Eucalyptus - 3 stems 

 2 White glitter berry branch 

1 Snowy red berry branch 

1 Snowy Fir & Pine cone branch 


These faux stems are perfect if you love stunning realistic-looking flowers in your home all year round or as a gift for someone special. 

Approx length 70cm -  all stems can be bent or cut to size to suit your chosen vase and will arrive bent 

Gift boxed which can be then be used to store the bouquet when not on display